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Cloud Productions


Film Title: 




A Date with Death or Unfriended


Genre + Sub-Genre:



Target Audience:

Our target audience is teenagers from the age 15+ as we don’t display anything too explicit.

We have also chosen this target audience because teenagers would be more interested in such movies as our film contains content which could be relatable to teenage life and they more likely have the time and take interest in the trailer or watch the film in the cinema.

From the age 18 we feel our audience appreciate films and would like to watch what they do not experience in their everyday lives and want to live it through a movie.

Our target audience would be students in college or university, who have a good understanding of a trailer genre and will be able to understand postmodern references included within the trailer.



A group of five girls all consider themselves to be the best of friends however, in that group of five friends theirs one individual that’s different to all the others. Strange things keep occurring within this friendship group and the girls know something isn’t right. Someone within this group is out to get each one of them but who could that person be?


Inferred Meaning/Representation/Theme

The key themes we have tried to explore are friendship and betrayal.

We are sending out a warning to the audience when it comes to using online sites which have no protection. We are also trying to push forward the fact that teenagers who are leaving the age of 18 are no longer protected by family as much as they were. The message is clear showing that everything is not black and white.


With the current rise in media usage in teenagers it is important to see the risks they bring as well as socialising meeting new people.




Chloe- The bitch (Sienna)


Nude make up

Costume not over done but still giving the assumption of a bitchy stuck up character.


Sophie – dumb but mean (Layla)


Red mainly used for costume and make up to give that slutty impression of the character.


Lydia- overly nice (Casey)


Innocently dressed, looking cute with natural make up.


Chloe Halpin  – weirdo (Scarlett)

Wearing black







Get to know the group of girls, what their characters are like, where they come from and which are more vulnerable than others. We also learn about the killer even though we don’t actually get to see the killer. It sets off at Greenwich Park having a picnic as a group.  It’s displayed as they are all having a lot of fun while Sienna has little digs at Scarlett who is vulnerable.

Girls are always looking to have fun as they are very popular updating everyone with what they do as a group. The girls have a sleepover at Sienna’s house the girls set up an account for an online dating site for some fun when things go wrong from there on.

This was an opportunity for the stalker killer to use this tool to torment the girls.




The killer, who is clearly stalking there every step and putting it together into a stalker broad, makes its first step by killing Sienna. The killer contacts Sienna through the online dating site asking to meet her.

We then have quick cuts of the girls their fears and own experiences being tormented by the killer stalker who is sending anonymous texts and videos. 



Film Title: The Missing


Tag-Line - "Anna she's gone"


Genre: Horror


Sub-Genre: I have chosen to approach the slasher genre.


Target audience: I have chosen to target an audience of 15-25, I have  chosen this target group as they tend to enjoy horror films, facing fears and the unknown.


Synopsis:  A family set out on their annual family camping trip when their campervan breaks down they have to park up next to an abandoned fun fair. Everything seems natural until an old newspaper article is discovered about Annandale fair. The shocking unexplainable mass murder interested the oldest sibling James. On the first night the youngest sibling Anna disappears. The family are left to fight against the killer Clown facing a series of challenging life threatening events.


Inferred meaning: The key themes i have tried to explore within my horror film are family and survival because i feel the two can be very closely linked together.


Characters: Whilst deciding on my characters i took into consideration Propp theory:

The villain- the clown, creates the complication by luring Anna into the abandoned funfair with hypnotic ‘jewellery box’ music.

The Hero- The dad, he is male and goes on a quest to save her whilst protecting his family’s life.

The Donor- Mysterious old man who slyly warns the family about the danger of the funfair and his advice become useful during the Disequilibrium.

The Princess- Anna, she is most vulnerable and becomes the victim of the villain.

The Helper- The mum and the son james supports the dad in the quest to save the family


Narrative: My narrative has been based around Todorov's theory:

Equilibrium- During the beginning of the story the family are happy and are planning to go on their annual family camping trip. They are excited and packing.

Disequilibrium-Things start to seem complicated when their family camping trip doesn’t seem to be going to plan. The car brakes down where they come across a strange man not thinking much of it they are forced to park up next to the abandoned funfair where the mass murder occurred in 1986. It was famously known as the ‘Annandale fair’ James takes a key interest as he has previous knowledge on the murder. Things then become more complicated for the family when the youngest sibling Anna disappears into the funfair. The family have to face a series of life threatening events in order to save Anna when they discover other people who have been captured in the fun fair.

Resolution-During the life threatening events many of the people they met died and James becomes seriously injured, Life cannot go back to how it was during the Equilibrium so the family create a new beginning and become happy again.




Film Title (Working Title): He’s behind you



Tag-line: never look behind, if you are alone



Genre + Sub-Genre: The genre of this movie is Horror and the sub-genre of this movie is thriller



Target Audience: identify age range within no more than 15 years, lifestyle, etc. 

20-30 year olds, Working people as the synopsis of the film is based on a mystery killer that the characters and the audience. This will engage an older audience as they have to solve a mystery. Whereas a younger audience may not be as interested and may not understand the story line.




A group of different people in the neighbourhood are being targeted on by a mystery killer. However this group of people are not as innocent as they are made out to be, they have all done something that they will always regret and someone is out to get them. Everyone is out to get the mystery killer.



Inferred Meaning/Representation/Theme:

The meaning and theme behind this film is the act of survival, the neighbourhood are protecting themselves from the ongoing events happening around them.



Characters – Propp Theory Applied:

The false hero- the mystery killer turns out to be one of the neighbours , however no one knows this until the end of the film

The hero- the strongest man in the neighbourhood that gets killed off early in the film as he is too busy trying to protect everyone that he was not able to protect him.

The final girl- the innocent, sweet girl is the one that survives the horrific killings and lives to tell the story at the end.


Narrative - Todorova Theory Applied:

Equilibrium: The beginning, is finding out about all the different characters and what role they have within the film, followed by the story, what’s been happening within the neighbourhood, what sort of lives the characters live and working out which characters are the ones that the characters want to decide.


Disequilibrium: Things start to go wrong within the neighbourhood, a number of events occur that does not seem right. The audience begin to find clues to who the mystery killer is however it’s never revealed, a number of people begin to get killed and the atmosphere within the neighbourhood becomes more intense and everyone is on edge


Resolution: the remaining characters set up a plan to try and catch the killer, however during this many of the characters are killed along the way and the final girl survives by accident killing the mystery killer that turns out to be the false hero.










Film Title (Working Title):Backfire




Tag-line: "Now someone else in your family is dead."




Genre + Sub-Genre: Horror/supernatural/Paranormal




Target Audience:15-25 young adults and teenagers enjoy thriller therefore my target audience is more likely to excite them than elderly audiences. In additionally the footage of graphic content is more likely to attract young adults than older adults. They are more likely to meet up Friday and Saturday nights having sleepovers watching horror films as groups. My target audience enjoy seeing celebrities undertaking different roles therefore more likely to go cinema and watch the film.


Synopsis: Johnstown, Pennsylvania 1929, when a woman’s grandmother was just a baby. The new born baby was unwell with high fever and no matter what the parents did, nobody could bring it down. A knock on the door, an old man who told the family that there had been a curse placed on the baby by someone else in the family.




The baby was healthy and the curse had been broken. The overjoyed family thanked the man and he departed, leaving them with the chilling words, “now someone else in your family is dead”








Characters :




Baby who has been cursed








Mother and father of the baby
















Aunty of the cursed baby








Unknown man who broke the curse












Narrative - Todorov Theory Applied




Equilibrium: Production logo appears and the trailer sets off with an ordinary family around the dining table eating dinner which you notice that all the family attention is on the woman who looks to be pregnant. Clearly can tell she’s very big and soon to due which everyone seems very excited about.




Disequilibrium: Everyone rushes to hospital for the labour of the woman while the sister is off to a spooky location where she meets a group of people undertaking a spell. Quick cuts from her sister chanting curses to the woman giving birth to then the cries of the baby. From the birth of the baby it was never well which the doctors couldn’t understand or treat. Day by day the sister would meet up with the group of same people making the curses more and more powerful to suddenly one raining night a man knocks on the door to help the baby.




Resolution: Quick cuts with onscreen text. The guy is fighting to break the curse while the sister is trying to strengthen its which the guy explains someone will die at the end of the curse.









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